When we have to tell bad news to someone, we often try to sweeten them up by also adding something positive. After all, we don't want to be responsible for the other person's anger, sadness or despair. If we have to communicate something negative (i.e. "I'm sorry but you will have to look for a different job"), we often try to add something that puts the other person into a positive mindset (i.e. "I am sure that your skills will be very welcome in a slightly different kind of job.") I am sure you can think of a few examples on your own.
In general, we are responsible for how we react to bad news. In the past, bad news really got to me and it was easy for me to fall into a very negative pattern in which I thought things like "Well, I'm just not worth it." - "I'm not good enough." - "This person isn't really my friend." - "People only care about me when they need something from me." and so on. It might all be true: many people did only take advantage of me, someone turned out to not be a friend at all and maybe I wasn't good enough for the job I wanted to have - but did it help me to brood about it and be negative? No, it didn't.
Even though life still isn't perfect and full of problems currently, I have a bit of a different perspective - maybe also because I'm more earthed in my spiritual beliefs now and don't strive to be "perfect" anymore. There have been some bad news in my life recently but instead of only moaning and brooding about them, I also try to ask the question: "What can I learn from this? And maybe this just wants to make me move into a different direction?"
I say "I try" because I have to admit that I am still prone to brooding - and yes, sometimes I am negative, esp. when I'm not the person who can solve the problem. But I am at a stage where I can see other sides to bad news. And bad news are only bad news when we let them. Instead of seeing them as bad news, we could see them as challenges.
So, the next time you either receive bad news or have to give bad news to someone else: try to see the other side as well. Try to think of the opportunities that may arise from this challenge. It's not easy - but it will help you to be more productive than if you only saw the negative side.
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